1. W.F.Erman, Chemistry of the Monoterpenes, Part A, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1985, p. 213.
2. K.P. Volcho, L.N. Rogoza, N.F. Salakhutdinov, A.G. Tolstikov and G.A. Tolstikov, Preparativnaya khimiya terpenoidov, Chast’ 1. Bitsiklicheskie monoterpenoidy (The Preparative Chemistry of Terpenes. Part 1. Bicyclic Monoterpenes), Izdatel'stvo SO RAN, 2006 (in Russian).
3. New Synthetic Routes toward Enantiopure Nitrogen Donor Ligands
4. Reactions of Allyl Alcohols of the Pinane Series and of Their Epoxides in the Presence of Montmorillonite Clay