A framework for grouping and read-across of nanomaterials- supporting innovation and risk assessment


Stone Vicki,Gottardo Stefania,Bleeker Eric A.J.,Braakhuis Hedwig,Dekkers Susan,Fernandes Teresa,Haase Andrea,Hunt Neil,Hristozov Danail,Jantunen Paula,Jeliazkova Nina,Johnston Helinor,Lamon Lara,Murphy Fiona,Rasmussen Kirsten,Rauscher Hubert,Jiménez Araceli Sánchez,Svendsen Claus,Spurgeon David,Vázquez-Campos Socorro,Wohlleben Wendel,Oomen Agnes G.


European Commission Horizon 2020 programme


Elsevier BV


Pharmaceutical Science,General Materials Science,Biomedical Engineering,Bioengineering,Biotechnology

Reference66 articles.

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