Design, calibration, and performance of the MINERvA detector


Aliaga L.,Bagby L.,Baldin B.,Baumbaugh A.,Bodek A.,Bradford R.,Brooks W.K.,Boehnlein D.,Boyd S.,Budd H.,Butkevich A.,Martinez Caicedo D.A.,Castromonte C.M.,Christy M.E.,Chvojka J.,da Motta H.,Damiani D.S.,Danko I.,Datta M.,DeMaat R.,Devan J.,Draeger E.,Dytman S.A.,Díaz G.A.,Eberly B.,Edmondson D.A.,Felix J.,Fields L.,Fiorentini G.A.,Flight R.S.,Gago A.M.,Gallagher H.,George C.A.,Gielata J.A.,Gingu C.,Gobbi B.,Gran R.,Grange J.,Grossman N.,Harris D.A.,Heaton J.,Higuera A.,Hobbs J.A.,Howley I.J.,Hurtado K.,Jerkins M.,Kafka T.,Kantner M.O.,Keppel C.,Kilmer J.,Kordosky M.,Krajeski A.H.,Kumbartzki G.J.,Lee H.,Leister A.G.,Locke G.,Maggi G.,Maher E.,Manly S.,Mann W.A.,Marshall C.M.,McFarland K.S.,McGivern C.L.,McGowan A.M.,Mislivec A.,Morfín J.G.,Mousseau J.,Naples D.,Nelson J.K.,Niculescu G.,Niculescu I.,O'Connor C.D.,Ochoa N.,Olsen J.,Osmanov B.,Osta J.,Palomino J.L.,Paolone V.,Park J.,Perdue G.N.,Peña C.,Pla-Dalmau A.,Rakotondravohitra L.,Ransome R.D.,Ray H.,Ren L.,Rubinov P.,Rude C.,Sassin K.E.,Schellman H.,Schmitz D.W.,Schneider R.M.,Schulte E.C.,Simon C.,Snider F.D.,Snyder M.C.,Solano Salinas C.J.,Tagg N.,Tice B.G.,Tilden R.N.,Tzanakos G.,Velásquez J.P.,Walton T.,Westerberg A.,Wolcott J.,Wolthuis B.A.,Woodward N.,Wytock T.,Zavala G.,Zeng H.B.,Zhang D.,Zhu L.Y.,Ziemer B.P.


Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Fermi Research Alliance, LLC

United States Department of Energy

United States National Science Foundation

University of Rochester



Elsevier BV


Instrumentation,Nuclear and High Energy Physics

Reference30 articles.

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3. Measurement of electron neutrino and antineutrino cross sections at low momentum transfer;Physical Review D;2024-05-13

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5. Neural network methods for radiation detectors and imaging;Frontiers in Physics;2024-02-22







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