1. Development of thick hybrid-type carbon stripper foils with high durability at 1800K for RCS of J-PARC
2. C.J. Liaw, Y.Y. Lee, J. Alessi, J. Tuozzolo, in: Proceedings of the Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, 1999, pp. 3300–3302.
3. C.J. Liaw, Y.Y. Lee, J. Tuozzolo, in: Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, 2001, pp. 1538–1540.
4. R.W. Shaw, V.A. Davis, R.N. Potter, L.L. Wilson, C.S. Feigerle, M.E. Peretich, C.J. Liaw, in: Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference, 2005. See also R.E. Shafer, Spallation Neutron Source Report # SNS-104050000-TD0001-R00 (2000).Some of the complications recognized recently in calculating energies deposited in stripper foils are described by M.A. Plum, R.W. Shaw, and C.S. Feigerle, and by W. Chou (these Proceedings).
5. V. Davis, R. Shaw, USDOE Office of Science: Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists, abstracts of work performed (2005), see 〈http://www.scied.science.doe.gov/scied/Abstracts2005/ORNLbio.htm〉.