1. Feasibility study on the micro-foil internal conversion electron (MICE) detector application to high-temperature emission Mössbauer spectroscopy
2. T. Belgya, O. Bersillon, R. Capote, T. Fukahori, G. Zhigang, S. Goriely, M. Herman, A.V. Ignatyuk, S. Kailas, A. Koning, P. Oblozinsky, V. Plujko, P. Young, Handbook for calculations of nuclear reaction data, RIPL-2, IAEA-TECDOC-1506, IAEA, Vienna, 2006.
3. A.L. Nichols (Ed.), Beta-decay and decay heat, IAEA, INDC(NDS)-0499, 2006.
4. Dirac–Fock Internal Conversion Coefficients
5. How good are the internal conversion coefficients now?