1. L. Sihver, B. Bjurman, Detection of fuel failures and fuel fashout in LWRs using FINESS, in: Proceedings of the Jahrestatung Kerntechnik, Dresden, 2001.
2. L. Sihver, D.L. Upp, B. Bjurman, B. Torstenfelt, FINESS – Fuel INtegrity Evaluation and Surveillance System, in: Proceedings of the Jahrestatung Kerntechnik, Bonn, 2000.
3. L. Sihver, B. Bjurman, FINESS – Fuel INtegrity Evaluation and Surveillance System, in: Proceedings of the 2001 International Topical Meeting on Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance (ENS Topfuel), Stockholm, 2001.
4. L. Sihver, K.-Å. Magnusson, B. Bjurman, A method and a device for evaluating the integrity of a control substance in a nuclear plant, W0 03/021605 (2002), SE0102813 (2001), SE520391 (2001), PCT/SE02/01502 (2001).