1. A 30ps timing resolution for single photons with multi-pixel Burle MCP-PMT
2. T. Ohshima, K. Inami, N. Kishimoto, M. Nagamine, Nagoya University, Japan. Talk at International Symposium on the Development of Detectors, April 2006, SLAC, and T. Ohshima, The Pico-Sec Timing Workshop, 18 Nov 2005, U. of Chicago, 〈http://www.hep.uchicago.edu/psec/〉, and Nucl. Instr. and Meth., A 528 (2004) pp. 763–775.
3. Super-B CDR report, INFN/AE-07/2, SLAC—856, LAL07-15, March 2007.
4. B. Ratcliff, Invited talk at this workshop.
5. J. Milnes, J. Howorth, Picosecond time response characteristics of micro-channel plate PMT detectors, Photek Ltd. internal publication, September 1, 2004, james.milnes@photek.co.uk.