1. Workshop on High Power Targetry for Future Accelerators, Ronconcoma, Long Island, New York, USA, 8–12 September 2003, http://www.cap.bnl.gov/mumu/conf/target-030908/P.J.
2. The International Linear Collider, see; http://www-project.slac.stanford.edu/ilc/default.htm
3. ‘Workshop on Positron Sources for the International Linear Collider’, CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory, 11–13 April 2005; http://www.astec.ac.uk/id_mag/ID-Mag_Helical_ILC_Positron_Production_Workshop.htm
4. A cost-effective design for a neutrino factory
5. S. Ozaki, et al. Feasibility study II of a muon-based neutrino source, BNL Report No. BNL-52623, June 2001.