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2. U. Rosenthal, A. Boin, C. Bos, Shifting identities: the reconstructive mode of the Bijlmer plane crash, in: U. Rosenthal, A. Boin, L. Comfort (Eds.), Managing Crises: Threats, Dilemmas, Opportunities, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 2001.
3. Meijer Commission, Een Beladen Vlucht, Parlementaire Enquête Vliegramp Bijlmermeer, 1999.
4. P. ‘t Hart, A. Boin, From crisis to normalcy: the long shadow of post-crisis politics, in: U. Rosenthal, A. Boin, L. Comfort (Eds.), Managing Crises: Threats, Dilemmas, Opportunities, Thomas, Springfield, 2001.
5. U. Rosenthal, P. ‘t Hart, M. Van Duin, A. Boin, M. Kroon, M. Otten, W. Overdijk, Complexity in Urban Crisis Management: Amsterdam’s Response to the Bijlmer Air Disaster, James & James Science Publishers, London, 1994.