1. From personal work and travel experience within Eastern Africa
2. UNEP's Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment (SWERA) aims at developing new information tools for energy planners and project developers, including regional and national maps of solar and wind energy resources. SWERA is also developing a geographical information system (GIS) interface that will allow easy access to data and thus help the screening and pre-investment evaluation of wind and solar energy- based renewable energy projects.
3. Oludhe C 2003, Wind Energy Resource Assessment and Mapping for Kenya, Department of Meteorology, University of Nairobi
4. Mike Bergey, Small Wind Systems for Village Energy Supply, Village Power 2000 Washington, DC December 4-8, 2000 Bergey Wind Power Co.
5. Marlett Wentzel, Wind energy: THE SESSA perspective, Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa, ESI Africa 2 2002.