1. Steidinger, K.A., Faust, M.A., Hernandez-Becerril, D., 2008. Dinoflagellates of the Gulf of Mexico. In: Tunnell, W., Felder, D., Camp, D. (Eds.), Gulf of Mexico: Its Origins, Waters, and Marine Life, Biota Volume. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, TX, accepted, for publication.
2. Haywood, A., Scholin, C., Steidinger, K., Heil, C., Ray, J., 2007. Molecular detection of the brevetoxin-producing dinoflagellate Karenia brevis (Dinophyceae) and closely related species using rRNA-targeted probes and a semi-automated sandwich hybridization assay. Journal of Phycology, accepted, for publication.
3. Mason, P.L., Litaker, R.W., Jeong, H.J., Ha, J.H., Reece, K.S., Vogelbein, W.K., Stokes, N.A., Park, J.Y., Steidinger, K.A., Vandersea, M.W., Kibler, S., Tester, P.A., 2007. Description of a new genus of Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellate, Luciella gen. nov. (Dinophyceae), including two new species: Luciella masanensis sp. nov. and Luciella atlantis sp. nov. Journal of Phycology, accepted for publication.
4. Milroy, S.P., Dieterle, D.A., He, R., Kirkpatrick, G.J., Lester, K.M., Steidinger, K.A., Vargo, G.A., Walsh, J.J., Weisberg, R.H., 2007. A three-dimensional biophysical model of Karenia brevis dynamics on the west Florida shelf: A preliminary look at the physical transport and zooplankton grazing controls. Continental Shelf Research, accepted, for publication.
5. Steidinger, K.A., Tustison, J.A., Weisberg, R.H., Barth, A., Heil, C.A., 2007. Retrospective GIS analyses of the Florida Red Tide database. In: Moestrup, O. (Ed.), Harmful Algae 2006. ISSHA, UNESCO, accepted, for publication.