1. Alaska Department of Fisheries (1953). Annual Report for 1953: Juneau, Alaska. 93 pp.
2. Alton, F.M. (1954). The relative effectiveness of nylon and cotton gillnets: Canadian Fish Cult., no. 17, pp. 18–26.
3. Alverson, D.L. (1957). Report from the International World Fishing Gear Congress Held in Hamburg, Germany, October 7–12, 1957: U. S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Bur. Comm. Fish., Seattle, Wash., 52 pp. Mimeographed.
4. Every fisherman a scientist without dignity of degree;Alverson;Pacific Fisherman,1958
5. Results from tagging experiments on a spawning stock of petrale sole, Eopsetta jordani (Lockington);Alverson;J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada,1957