1. HELDENFELS, R. R. and VOSTEEN, L. F., (1958). Approximate Analysis of Effects of Large Deflections and Initial Twist on Torsional Stiffness of a Cantilever Plate Subjected to Thermal Stresses, NACA Report 1361, 1958, Supersedes NACATN4067, 1957.
2. BREUER, D. W., (1961). Torsional Stiffness of Non-Uniformly Heated Cantilever Plates for any Aspect Ratio and Initial Twist, Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University.
3. BAILEY, C. D., (1962). Vibration and Buckling of Thermally Stressed Plates of Trapezoidal Planform, Ph.D. Dissertation, Purdue University, January.