1. Dalla Chiara B., Deflorio F., Carboni A., 2017 “The basic technologies for ITS and their applications: the present and future of traffic and vehicle monitoring”, Chapter 2. Volume “Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS): Past, Present and Future Directions”, Editor: Gaetano Fusco, Series: Transportation Issues, Policies and R&D,2017, ISBN: 978-1-53611-830-8, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge (NY), United States of America.
2. Dalla Chiara, B., Bifulco, G.N., Fusco, G., Barabino, B., Corona, G., Rossi, R., Studer, L., 2013. “ITS nei trasporti stradali - Tecnologie, metodi ed applicazioni”, a cura di B. Dalla Chiara, Ed. EGAF, pp. 1-477, Marzo 2013, ISBN 978-88-8482-477-6. [“ITS in road transport - Technologies, methods and applications”, curated by B. Dalla Chiara, Ed. EGAF, pp. 1-477, March 2013, ISBN 978-88-8482-477-6.].
3. Klein, L.A., 2001. Sensor Technologies and Data Requirements for ITS Applications, Artech House, ISBN 978-1-58053-077-4.