1. K. A. Heck, in Physical Metallurgy of Controlled Expansion Invar-Type Alloys, ed. K. C. Russell and D. F. Smith, p. 273, TMS, Warrendale, PA (1990).
2. D. F. Smith and J. S. Smith, in Physical Metallurgy of Controlled Expansion Invar-Type Alloys, ed. K. C. Russell and D. F. Smith, p. 253, TMS, Warrendale, PA (1990).
3. D. F. Smith and M. A. Holderby, in Heat-Resistant Materials, Proceedings of the First International Conference, Fontana, WI, p. 285, (1991).
4. K. A. Heck, D. F. Smith, J. S. Smith, D. A. Wells, and M. A. Holderby, in Superalloys 1988, ed. S. Reichman, D. N. Duhl, G. Maurer, S. Antolovich, and C. Lund, p. 151, The Metallurgical Society (1988).
5. Identification of orthorhombic phase in incoloy alloy 909