1. K. Unser, Recent advances in beam current transformer technology and avenues for further development, Proceeding of first DIPAC, CERN/PS95-35.
2. A. Peters et al., A cryogenic comparator for low intensity beams, Proceedings of EPAC96, Sitges (Barcelona), pp. 1627–1629.
3. T. Tanabe et al., A cryogenic current measurement device for the low intensity beam in TARN II, EPAC98, Stockholm, pp. 1610–1612 and subsequent references.
4. G. Andler et al., Progress report for the cryring facility, EPAC98, Stockholm, pp. 526–528.
5. E. Schulte, in: J. Bosser (ed.), Beam position Monitors, Beam Instrumentation, CERN/PE/ED-001-92.