1. M.G. Pia, Geant4 Collaboration, The Geant4 Object Oriented Simulation Toolkit, EPS-HEP99 Conference, Tampere, 1999 (see also http://wwwinfo.cern.ch/asd/geant4).
2. MACRO collaboration, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 324 (1993) 337.
3. S. Bottai, NESTOR collaboration, Indirect Search for Dark Matter with NESTOR, Proceedings of IDM98, World Scientific, Singapore, p. 508.
4. L. Moscoso, Antares collaboration, Expected Performance of the ANTARES Experiment (ICRC 99), Salt Lake City, UT, 17–25 August 1999.
5. C. Wiebush, The detection of faint light in deep underwater neutrino telescopes, Ph.D. Thesis, (1995).