1. USEPA, Guide for performing preliminary assessments under CERCLA, EPA/540/G-91/013 (PB92-963303), Washington, DC, 1991.
2. J.R. McDonald, R. Robertson, J.R. Cochran, Results of a magnetometer towed array survey and sub-system testing at site RB-11, Kirtland Air Force Base, NM, Naval Research Laboratory, NRL/PU/6110-94-257, 9 May 1994.
3. Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, Field investigation report for the defense nuclear weapons school sites, Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, Albuquerque, NM, February 1997.
4. L.P.G. Forsley, Final report of environmental testing of soil from four sites, JWK International Corporation, Annandale, VA, 29 May 1997.
5. USEPA, Test methods for evaluating solid waste physical/chemical methods, SW-846, 3rd Ed., Final Update 3, EPASW-846.3.3, June 1997.