1. The Welding Research Council, 1972. Pressure Vessel Research Committee Recommendations on Toughness Requirements for Ferritic Materials, WRC Bulletin, No. 175, 1972, 24 p.
2. ASME, 1978. Flaw Evaluation Procedures: ASME Section XI, Marston T.U. (ed.), EPRI NP-719-SR.
3. Graville, B.A., 1989. Crack Arrest Requirements for Arctic Structures, Graville Associates Inc. Report.
4. Nanstad, R.K., Keeney, J.A., McCabe, D.E., 1993. Preliminary Review of the Bases for the KIc Curve in the ASME Code. ORNL/NRC/LTR-93/15.
5. Descriptive characteristic of Charpy-V fracture arrest parameter with respect to crack arrest KIa;Wallin,1996