1. Carter, J.T., Edwards, R.E., Occhipinti, J.E., Beck, R., Iverson, D.C., 1998. Defense waste processing facility radioactive operations-year two. In: WM'98 Conference, Tucson, AZ, March 1–5.
2. Desvaux, J.L., Pageron, D., Liberge, R, 1998. Industrial experience of HLW vitrification at La Hague and Marcoule. In: WM'98 Conference, Tucson, AZ, March 1–5.
3. Hamel, W.F. Jr., Valenti, P.J., Eliott, D.I., 1998. Lessons learned from the first year of radioactive operations of the west valley demonstration project vitrification facility. In: WM'98 Conference, Tucson, AZ, March 1–5.
4. Development of glasses for the vitrification of high level liquid waste (HLLW) in a joule heated ceramic melter
5. Pentinghaus, H., 1987. Zur Chemie der Verglasung von HAWC. KfK 4177, April, 149–185.