1. Bielert, U., Kotchourko, A., Breitung, W., Veser, A., Royl, P., Scholtyssek, W., Wilkening, H., Huld, T., Edlinger, B., Poruba, C., Eder, A., Mayinger, F., Movahed, M., Dabbene, F., Studer, E., 1999. Multidimensional Simulation of Hydrogen Distribution and Combustion in Severe Accidents”, Final Report EU-Contract No FI4S-CT-95-0001, Oktober 1999.
2. Breitung, W., Dorofeev, S.B., 1999. Summary of DDT Criteria For Nuclear Power Plant Analysis, Proceedings, ‘Jahrestagung Kerntechnik’ 99, Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V. Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology'99, ISSN 0720-9207, Karlsruhe, 18–20 Mai, p. 185.
3. Breitung, W., Dorofeev, S.B., 1999. Criteria for Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition (DDT) in Nuclear Containment Analysis, 15th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Post-Conference Seminar on Containment of Nuclear Reactors, Hoam Convention Center, Seoul, Korea, August 23–24.
4. Breitung, W., Chan, C., Dorofeev, S., Eder, A., Gelfand, B., Heitsch, M., Klein, R., Malliakos, A., Shepard, E., Studer, E., Thibault, P., 2000. State-of-the-Art Report On Flame Acceleration And Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition In Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Energy Agency, Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations, Paris, France, Report NEA/CSNI/Rxx (in print), see also ftp://inrh2b.FZK.de/pub/SOAR.
5. Deutscher Bundestag (German Federal Parlament), 1994. Act on Securing the Use of Hard Coal for Electricity Generation and on Amending the Atomic Energy Act (Article 4), Seventh Act Amending the Atomic Energy Act, Bundesgesetzblatt, p. 1622, (part I).