1. Risk assessment for introduction of wild boar (Sus scrofa) to Denmark;Alban,2005
2. Risk of Exotic Swine Diseases Entering and Spreading in the Danish Pig Population: Analysis of Probabilities, Consequences, and Ways of Management. Prize Essay;Alban,2004
3. Anon, 2006a. Danish Meat Association, Statistics 2006 Swine (http://www.danishmeat.dk/smcms/DMA_Home/statistics/statistics_2004/Export/export_3_countries/Index.htm?ID=6706).
4. Anon, 2007. Livestock, Meat and Eggs in the Netherlands 2007. Produced by Product Boards for Livestock, Meat and Eggs. See also www.pve.nl.
5. Anon, 1997. Order No. 816 af October 30, 1997, Om hold af svin på friland, http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOC_/ACCN/B19970081605-REGL (in Danish).