1. Family Food Consumption in Three Types of Farming Areas in the South. 2. An Analysis of Weekly Food Records—Late Winter and Early Spring, 1948. Southern Cooperative Series Bull. No. 20, December, 1951, p. 88.
2. Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics: Family Food Consumption in Birmingham, Alabama, Winter, 1948. 1948 Food Consumption Surveys, Preliminary Rep. No. 1, November, 1948.
3. New law; all corn meal in South Carolina to be enriched;Lease;Am. Miller & Processor,1949
4. Reagan, B. B., and Grossman, E.: Rural Levels of Living in Lee and Jones Counties, Miss., 1945; and Comparison of 2 Methods of Data Collection. U.S.D.A. Agriculture Information Bull. No. 41, October, 1951.