1. Walter E. Kingston (Ed.), Conyers Herring, surface tension as a motivation for sintering, The Physics of Powder Metallurgy, a symposium held at Bayside, L.I. New York, 24–26 August, 1949, McGraw-Hill, New York 1951, p. 143.
2. R. Gomer, C. S. Smith (Eds.), Conyers Herring, the use of classical macroscopic concepts in surface-energy problems, Structure and Properties of Solid Surfaces, a Conference Arranged by the National Research Council, Lake Geneva, WI, September 1952, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1953, p. 5.
3. G. Horvay, (English Transl., General Electric Research Report No. 60-RL-(2511M), Schenectady, NY, 1960).