1. Proton conductivity in fuel cells with solid sulphate electrolytes
2. B. Zhu, B.-E. Mellander, in: S.C. Singhal, H. Iwahara (Eds.), Solid Oxide Fuel Cells III, Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ, 1993, p. 156.
3. Non-conventional solid state fuel cells: Materials & technology
4. B. Zhu, G.-Y. Meng, B.-E. Mellander, Non-conventional fuel cell systems — new concepts and developments, J. Power Sources, in press.
5. B. Zhu, I. Albinsson, B.-E. Mellander, G.-Y. Meng, Intermediate temperature proton conducting fuel cells — present experience and future opportunities, Solid State Ionics, to be published.