1. Australian Standard (1995). Australian Standard AS 2381.10-1995: Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres. Selection, installation and maintenance. Part 10: Equipment in combustible dust (Class II) areas.
2. CENELEC (1997). Elaboration of a practical test method defining the minimum ignition temperature of potentially explosive dust layers with an excessive thickness. Detailed information on CENELEC proposal for research and development in support of European standardisation. CENELEC Secretariat, Brussels.
3. CENELEC (1998a). Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust. Part 1-1: Construction and testing. Final European standard EN 50281-1-1, CENELEC Central Secretariat, Brussels.
4. CENELEC (1998b). Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust. Part 1-2: Selection, installation and maintenance. Final European standard EN 50281-1-2, CENELEC Central Office, Brussels.
5. CENELEC (1999). Definition and measurement of the minimum ignition energy for explosion of potentially explosive dust/air mixtures. Part 6: Encapsulation “mD”. IEC New work item proposal 31H792/NP 1999-04-23. International Electrotechnical Commission, Central Office, Geneva.