1. The Organic Solid State Part XIII. For part XII see D.O. Cowan C. LeVanda, R.L. Collins, G. Candela, U.T. Mueller-Westerhoff and P. Eilbracht, Chem. Commun., accepted for publication.
2. Organic solid state. Electron transfer in a mixed valence salt of biferrocene
3. Electron transfer in a new highly conducting donor-acceptor complex
4. L.B. Coleman, M.J. Cohen, D.J. Sandman, F.G. Yamagishi, A.F. Garito, A.J. Heeger., Sol. St. Comm. (submitted for publication) See, however, reference 8.
5. A.N. Bloch, J.P. Ferraris, D.O. Cowan, T.O. Poehler, Sol. St. Comm. (submitted for publication).