1. High-κ gate dielectrics: Current status and materials properties considerations
2. Polarity effect on the temperature dependence of leakage current through HfO2/SiO2 gate dielectric stacks
3. C. Adelmann, J. Meersschaut, L.-Å. Ragnarsson, T. Conard, A. Franquet, N. Sengoku, Y. Okuno, P. Favia,1 H. Bender, C. Zhao, B.J. O’Sullivan, A. Rothschild, T. Schram, J.A. Kittl, S. Van Elshocht, S. De Gendt, P. Lehnen, O. Boissière,2, C. Lohe2, Journal of Applied Physics 105 (2009) 053516