1. Buck, R.M., D.E. Cullen, D.P. Heinrichs, E.M. Lent, D.E. Nielson Jr., and K.E. Sale 2007, COG—Publicly Available Now to Criticality Safety Practitioners, UCRL-CONF-224715, 05/28/2007, (ICNC-2007).
2. Buck, R.M. and E.M. Lent 1993, COG: A New, High-Resolution Code for Modeling Radiation Transport, UCRL-52000-93-6.
3. Buck R.M. and J.M. Hall 1999, Applications of the COG Multiparticle Monte Carlo Transport Code to Simulated Imaging of Complex Objects, UCRL-JC-134630 (preprint).
4. Cullen, D.E., L.F. Hansen, E.M. Lent, and E.F. Plechaty 2003, Thermal Scattering Law Data: Implementation and Testing Using the Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Codes COG, MCNP and Tart, UCRL-ID-153656, 05/17/2003.
5. Cullen, D.E., R.N. Blomquist, C.J. Dean, S. Goluoglu, Y.-K. Lee, E.L. Lent, R. MacFarlane, S. McKinley, E.F. Plechaty, and J.C. Sublet 2007, ENDF/B-VII.0 Data Testing for Three Fast Critical Assemblies, UCRL-TR-233310, 07/31/2007.