1. Adams v. Piedmont Henry Hosp., Inc., 365 Ga. App. 257, 878 S.E.2d 113 (2022). Forensic epidemiologist, who was not a medical doctor, was not qualified to testify regarding cause of patient’s death following appendectomy, in action for wrongful death.
2. Alysia Lo, Expert Testimony on False Confessions: An Old Psychological Problem with New Challenges in New York Courts, 50 Fordham Urb. L.J. 107 (2022).
3. An Act to Amend the Law Relating to Coroners, 16 & 17 Geo. C. 59 (1926).
4. Chaill Aae, Origin and Progress of Medical Jurisprudence, 46 J. Crim. L. & Criminal 397, 399 (1949).
5. Curran, William J. Law, Medicine, and Forensic Science (3d ed. 1982).