1. ACE (Association for the Conservation of Energy), 2001. The Climate Change Levy and the Negotiated Agreements, Discussion Paper DP05, ACE, London, www.ukace.org/pubs/briefing/DP_05.pdf.
2. AEAT (AEA Technology), 2001. Climate Change Agreements—Sectoral Energy Efficiency Targets, Version 2, October, ETSU-AEAT, http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/ccl/analyses.htm.
3. AEAT (AEA Technology), 2003a. Climate Change Agreements—Results of the First Target Period Assessment, Version 1.1—Preliminary Results, April, FES-AEAT, http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/ccl/pdf/cca_tp1_prelim.pdf.
4. AEAT (AEA Technology), 2003b. Climate Change Agreements—Results of the First Target Period Assessment, Appendix 1—Summaries of Individual Sectors, April, FES-AEAT, http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/ccl/pdf/cca_tp1_prelim_annex.pdf.
5. The Cambridge Multisectoral Dynamic Model of the British Economy,1987