1. Atlantic Consulting and IPU. LCA study of product group personal computers in the EU Ecolabel scheme. Institute for Product Development of the Technical University of Denmark; 1998. p. 6–33.
2. Chang SL. The determination of recycling fees for computers and accessories. Taipei,Taiwan: Final Report to Environmental Protection Administration; 1998.
3. Chiang KY. The standard, number and recycling of seven waste information products including motherboard, HD, CRT/LCD monitor, case, power supply, notebook PC and printer; 2000 (December). p. 4–8.
4. Institute for Information Industry (III). Annual Report. Taiwan: Market Intelligence Center (MIC); 2003 [in Chinese].
5. Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Home Appliance Recycling Law. Entry into force: April 2001. Promulgated June 1998; For text in English see http://www.meti.go.jp/policy/kaden_recycle/en_cha/pdf/english.pdf.