1. Bechtel. Gasification plant cost and performance optimization, Task 2 topical report: coke/coal gasification with liquids co-production (prepared by Bechtel Co., Global Energy Inc. and Nexant Inc. for the US National Energy Technology laboratory of US Department of Energy under the contract no. De-ac26-99ft40342). Washington, DC: US Department of Energy; 2003.
2. Introduction to energy analysis;Blok,2006
3. Gasification–fermentation pilot facility in Arkansas;BRI (Bioengineering Resources Inc.),2005
4. Europe/Middle East reports on olefins & derivatives (issues published in 1995-2006);CMAI (Chemical Market Associates Inc.),2006
5. Coskata. Energy positive process. Warrenville, Illinois: Coskata Inc. See also at: http://www.coskata.com/EthanolEnergyPositive.asp; 2008.