1. Environmental catalysis
2. G.L. Manney, L. Froidevaux, J.W. Waters, R.W. Zurek, W.G. Read, L.S. Elson, J.B. Kumer, J.L. Mergenthaler, A.E. Roche, A. O'Nelll, R.S. Harwood, I. MacKenzie, R. Swinbank, Nature 370 (1994) 429; J. Kramlik, W.P. Linak, Prog. Energy Combustion Sci. 20 (1994) 149
3. A.C. Stern, H.C. Wohlers, R.W. Boubel, W.P. Lowry, Fundamental of Air Pollution, Academic Press, New York, 1973, 9.93
4. Formation of N2O in the photolysis/photoexcitation of NO, NO2 and air
5. D.R. Stull, E.F. Westrum Jr., G.L. Sinke, The Chemical Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds, Wiley, New York, 1969