1. The Central Java Office for Livestock and Veterinary, Monitoring and Evaluation of Livestock Development and Veterinary in Central Java, Semarang, 2012.
2. The Central Java Office for Livestock and Veterinary, Monitoring and Evaluation of Livestock Development and Veterinary in Central Java, Semarang, 2013.
3. SUARA MERDEKA – (National Newspaper), Some Students of an Elementary School were Indicated being poisoned by Milk (in Indonesian). http://suaramerdeka.com/harian/0511/30/nas17.htm (accessed October 09, 2014).
4. Fokus Indosiar (Indonesian News), Being Poisoned by Milk, Tens of Students of an Elementary School became Victims (in Indonesian) http://www.indosiar.com/fokus/keracunan-susu-puluhan-siswa-sd-jadi-korban_74674.html (accessed October 09, 2014).
5. National Standardisation Agency of Indonesia, National Standard of Indonesia for Raw Milk, Indonesia, 2011.