Effectiveness of isolation, testing, contact tracing, and physical distancing on reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in different settings: a mathematical modelling study


Kucharski Adam J,Klepac Petra,Conlan Andrew J K,Kissler Stephen M,Tang Maria L,Fry Hannah,Gog Julia R,Edmunds W John,Emery Jon C,Medley Graham,Munday James D,Russell Timothy W,Leclerc Quentin J,Diamond Charlie,Procter Simon R,Gimma Amy,Sun Fiona Yueqian,Gibbs Hamish P,Rosello Alicia,van Zandvoort Kevin,Hué Stéphane,Meakin Sophie R,Deol Arminder K,Knight Gwen,Jombart Thibaut,Foss Anna M,Bosse Nikos I,Atkins Katherine E,Quilty Billy J,Lowe Rachel,Prem Kiesha,Flasche Stefan,Pearson Carl A B,Houben Rein M G J,Nightingale Emily S,Endo Akira,Tully Damien C,Liu Yang,Villabona-Arenas Julian,O'Reilly Kathleen,Funk Sebastian,Eggo Rosalind M,Jit Mark,Rees Eleanor M,Hellewell Joel,Clifford Samuel,Jarvis Christopher I,Abbott Sam,Auzenbergs Megan,Davies Nicholas G,Simons David


Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society

UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Medical Research Council


Elsevier BV


Infectious Diseases

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