1. J.E. Bateman, J.F. Connolly, G.E. Derbyshire, D.M. Duxbury, J. Lipp, J.A. Mir, R. Stephenson, J.E. Simmons, E.J. Spill, Studies of the gain properties of gas microstrip detectors relevant to their application as X-ray detectors, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Report, RAL-TR-1999-057, Presented at the International Workshop on Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors, Orsay, France, 28–30 June 1999 (http://www.dienst.rl.ac.uk/library/1999/tr/raltr-1999057.pdf).
2. J.E. Bateman, J.F. Connolly, G.E. Derbyshire, D.M. Duxbury, J. Lipp, J.A. Mir, R. Stephenson, J.E. Simmons, E.J. Spill, R.C. Farrow, B.R. Dobson, A.D. Smith, Gas microstrip X-ray detectors for applications in synchrotron radiation experiments, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Report, RAL-TR-1999-056, Presented at the International Workshop on Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors, Orsay, France, 28–30 June 1999 (http://www.dienst.rl.ac.uk/library/1999/tr/raltr-1999056.pdf).
3. J.E. Bateman, J.F. Connolly, G.E. Derbyshire, D.M. Duxbury, J. Lipp, J.A. Mir, R. Stephenson, J.E. Simmons, E.J. Spill, B.R. Dobson, R.C. Farrow, W.I. Helsby, R. Mutikainen, I. Suni, A gas microstrip wide angle X-ray detector for application in synchrotron radiation experiments, Presented at the Fifth International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors, University College, London, 13–17 September 1999, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 477 (2002) 340.
4. Position-sensitive detector with microstrip anode for electron multiplication with gases
5. Radiation Detection and Measurement;Knoll,1989