1. Code of Practice EHSRI – Safety in the Heat (Abu Dhabi EHSMS Regulatory Framework CoP 11.0);Abu Dhabi EHS Center,2012
2. Technical Guideline: Safety in the Heat (Abu Dhabi EHSMS Regulatory Framework);Abu Dhabi EHS Center,2012
3. Heat Stress and Heat Strain: TLV® Physical Agents 7th Edition Documentation;ACGIH,2009
4. 2013 TLVs® and BEIs® – Based on the Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents & Biological Exposure Indices;ACGIH,2013
5. Heat Stress Standard & Documentation Developed for Use in the Australian Environment (Developed by Ross Di Corleto, Gerry Coles and Ian Firth);AIOH,2003