1. I. Kato (HARP collab.), a talk at this workshop
2. J. Link (BNL E910 collab.), a talk at this workshop
3. Y. Fisyak et al. [The MIPP Collaboration], “P-907: Proposal to Measure Particle Production in the Meson Area Using Main Injector Primary and Secondary Beams”, proposal to the FNAL PAC, May 2000
4. R. Raja et al. [The MIPP Collaboration], “Addendum to the P-907 Proposal”, proposal to the FNAL PAC, October 2001. http://ppd.fnal.gov/experiments/e907/e907.htm
5. A. Bodek, H. Budd, “Quasi-Elastic Scattering”, MINERvA Note 100, September, 2004. http://www.pas.rochester.edu/minerva/