1. Department of Energy and Climate Change, The Carbon Plan: Delivering our low carbon future, HMSO, 2011, pp. 1–220.
2. HM Government, Nuclear Industrial Strategy: The UKs Nuclear Future, HMSO, 2013, pp. 1–91.
3. Hydrogen yields from water on the surface of plutonium dioxide
4. Department of Energy and Climate Change, Management of the UKs Plutonium Stocks. A Consultation Response on the Long-Term Management of UK-Owned Separated Civil Plutonium, HMSO, 2011, 1–33 URN 11D/81.
5. Department of Energy and Climate Change, Management of the UKs Plutonium Stocks. A Consultation Response on the Proposed Justification Process for the Reuse of Plutonium, HMSO, 2013, 1–14URN 13D/091.