1. M. Nuding, K. Böning, FRM-II: Bericht über das Brennstoff-Bestrahlungs experiment am OSIRIS-Reaktor, Internal report of the FRM-II Project Team, Technische Universität München (TUM), report OPA00297, 15 April 2002, and several further internal reports of the TUM.
2. Safety evaluation report related to the evaluation of low-enriched uranium–silicide dispersion fuel for use in non-power reactors, Report of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, report NUREG-1313, July 1988.
3. Materials Science and Technology – A Comprehensive Treatment;Hofman,1994
4. J.L. Snelgrove, P. Lemoine, L. Alvarez, in: Ninth International Topical Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management, Budapest, Hungary, 10–13 April 2005, European Nuclear Society, ENS RRFM 2005 Transactions, 60–68, 2005.
5. K. Böning, W. Gläser, A. Röhrmoser, in: Proceedings of 1988 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors RERTR, San Diego, CA, USA, the publication appeared only later, Report ANL/RERTR/TM-13 CONF-8809221, 393–403, 1993.