1. Ballooning Experiments with VVER Cladding
2. Cladding tube deformation and core emergency cooling in a loss of coolant accident of a pressurized water reactor
3. G. Hache, H.M. Chung, in: NUREG/CP-0172, 2001, p. 205.
4. D.O. Hobson, in: Proceedings of the ANS Topical Meeting on Water Reactor Safety, Salt Lake City, 1973, p. 274.
5. Yu.K. Bibilashvili, N.B. Sokolov, L.N. Andreeva-Andrievskaya, V.Yu. Tonkov, A.V. Salatov, A.M. Morosov, V.P. Smirnov, in: IAEA-TECDOC-1320, International Atomic Energy Agency, 2002, p. 186.