1. Power deposition onto plasma facing components in poloidal divertor tokamaks during type-I ELMs and disruptions
2. S. Pestchanyi, B. Bazylev, I. Landman, 31st EPS, London, June 2004, ECA V.28G, P-1.135, http://eps2004.clf.rl.ac.uk/pdf/P1_135.pdf.
3. I.I.S. Landman, G. Janeschitz, 32nd EPS, Tarragona, Spain, June 27–July 1 2005, ECA V.29C, P-1.003, http://eps2005.ciemat.es/papers/pdf/P1_003.pdf.
4. Erosion of macrobrush tungsten armor after multiple intense transient events in ITER