1. Safe radioisotope thermoelectric generators and heat sources for space applications
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3. R.C. O’Brien, R.M. Ambrosi, S.D. Howe, N.P. Bannister, H.V. Atkinson, Production of safe radioisotope heat sources by Spark Plasma Sintering, in: Proceedings of Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS-2009), Atlanta, GA, June 14–19, 2009, Paper Number 206155.
4. R.C. O’Brien, R.M. Ambrosi, N.P. Bannister, S.D. Howe, H.V. Atkinson, Erratum to “Safe radioisotope thermoelectric generators and heat sources for space applications [Journal of Nuclear Materials 377 (2008) 506-521]”, J. Nucl. Mater., in press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2009.01.022.
5. R.C. O’Brien, S.D. Howe, J.E. Werner, Advanced radioisotope heat source and propulsion systems for planetary exploration, in: Proceedings of International Astronautics Congress 2010, Prague, Czech Republic. IAC-10-C4.7.-C3.5.1, IAF, 2010.