1. EC Integrated Project EUROTRANS, 2005, Contract No. FI6W-CT-2004-516520.
2. P. Turroni, L. Cinotti ,G. Corsini, L. Mansani, The CIRCE facility, AccApp’01&ADTTA’01, Nuclear Application in the new Millennium, Reno, Nevada, USA, November 11–15, 2001.
3. M. Tarantino, G. Scaddozzo, Report ENEA ET-F-S-001, Test Specifications of the Integral Circulation Experiments Deliverable D. 4.15, DM4 DEMETRA, IP-EUROTRANS, 2006.
4. Experimental study on gas-injection enhanced circulation performed with the CIRCE facility
5. M. Tarantino, Report ENEA HS-F-R-001, Gas Enhanced Circulation Experiments on Heavy Liquid Metal System, 2007.