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2. Passariello F, Carbone R. Chirurgia dell׳ Arco della Safena Esterna. (SSV Arch Surgery) Min. Angiol. vol. 17, Suppl. 3 al n. 2, p. 149–156. Ed. Min. Medica, Torino (Aprile-Giugno 1992).
3. Passariello F. The External Saphena Geometry. Surgical choices. In: Proceedings of the VI réunion de l׳association Européenne de CHIVA. 19–24 Septembre 2000, Lagos-Agarve, Portugal. Organisation: Cerol ML, Parés y Rifa O, Available at the address 〈http://web.tiscali.it/afunc/chivaref/passarie/sext.htm〉 [accessed 28.12.13].
4. Passariello F. Venous Hemodynamics. Invited presentation to the American College of Phlebology Meeting, Palm Desert (CA, USA); November 5–8, 2009.
5. Passariello F. Office Based (OB) C.H.I.V.A. Presented to the XI Meeting of the AECH (Associacio׳ Europea de C.H.I.V.A.), Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina, October 7–8, 2010.