1. Yuki Animal Hospital, 2-99 Kibacho Minato-ku, Nagoya 455-0021, Japan
An 8-year-old female Persian cat was brought in for evaluation of chronic vomiting. The presence of opaque enteric foreign bodies and intestinal obstruction along with azotaemia, hyperphosphataemia, moderate anaemia and peritoneal fluid were revealed following appropriate diagnostic work-up. Exploratory laparotomy confirmed jejunoileal dilation, ileocaecal stenosis, and numerous foreign objects in the jejunoileum. These foreign objects and ileocaecal stenosis were surgically removed, and intestinal resection and anastomosis was performed. The patient recovered favourably. Analysis revealed that the foreign objects were composed of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. Intestinal inflammation and stenosis secondary to enterolithiasis may have developed following ingestion of cat litter or a previous unrelated surgical intervention. We were unable to delineate the inciting pathogenesis in this particular case.
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6 articles.