1. R.D. Williams, J. Bunn, R. Moore, J.C.T. Pool, Interfaces to Scientific Data Archives, Report of a Workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation, May, 1998. http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/isda
2. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, The Imaging Radar Homepage.http://southport.jpl.nasa.gov/
3. R.D. Williams, G. Aloisio, M. Cafaro, G. Kremenek, P. Messina, SARA: The Synthetic Aperture Radar Atlas. http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/sara/ and http://sara.unile.it/sara
4. G. Aloisio, M. Cafaro, R.D. Williams, P. Messina, A Distributed WEB-Based Metacomputing Environment, Proc. HPCN Europe 1997, Vienna, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, in press. http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/roy/papers/hpcn97.pdf
5. R.D. Williams, B. Sears, A High-Performance Active Digital Library, Parallel Computing, Special issue on Metacomputing, November, 1998, in press.