1. Amon, E., 1998. DEP waste-hauling fee ruled unconstitutional. New Jersey Law Journal, April 6, p. 5.
2. Commerce Clearing House, 1996, State Tax Guide, 2nd ed. Commerce Clearing house, Chicago.
3. Commerce Clearing House, Tax Day (various issues), Commerce Clearing House, Chicago.
4. DaVanzo, J., 1981. Microeconomic approaches to studying migration decisions. In: De Jong, G.F., Gardner, R.W. (Eds), Migration Decision Making: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Microlevel Studies in Developed and Developing Countries. Pergamon Press, New York.
5. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, 1994, National Capacity Assessment Report: Capacity Planning Pursuant to CERCLA Section 104(c)(9): DRAFT, EPA530-R-94-040. EPA, Washington, DC, October.