1. R. Baskaran, V. Subramanian, J. Misra, R. Indira, P. Chellapandi and Baldev Raj, “Aerosol Characterization and Measurement Techniques Towards SFR Safety Studies”, Advancement in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and Instrumentation (ANIMMA) International Conference, June 7-10, 2009, Marseille, France.
2. R. Indira, R. Baskaran, and V. Subramanian, “Source Term Studies for Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor”, Seventh meeting of AERB-VSNRC Nuclear Safety Cooperation Programme on Severe Accident Analysis, Severe Accident Management and Standard Problem Exercises, Mumbai, March, 2006.
3. P. Chellapandi, K. Velusamy, S.E. Kannan, Om Pal Singh, S.C. Chetal, S.B. Bhoje, Harbans Lal and V.S. Sethi, “Core Disruptive Accident Analysis in Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor”, 1st National Conference on Nuclear Reactor Safety, Mumbai., November, 2002.
4. V. Subramanian, R. Baskaran and R. Indira Experimental study on the behaviour of suspended aerosols of Sodium and Fission Products in a closed vessel .(Communicated to Nuclear Technology after revision).
5. R.E. Adams, T.S. Kress, J.T. Han, and L.F. Parsly, Jr. , “Behvaiour of Sodium Oxide and Uranium Oxide Aerosols in a large vessel”, Proceedings of International Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, Washington, Aug. 1979.